Pred dnevi smo na simfonični matineji v Cankarjevem domu iz prve vrste prisluhnili Simfoničnemu orkestru RTV Slovenija in prečudoviti glasbi, ki so jo ustvarili največji glasbeni mojstri na svetu.
Z ogledom posnetkov spodaj lahko tudi vi prisluhnite vsaj nekaterim melodijam in začutite silno energijo, ki se izliva iz teh not .... Izvajalci so sicer drugi, a veličastnost glasbe ostaja .... Mnogo užitkov :)
2 komentarja:
We know this song! We watched The Nutcracker Ballet at Christmas!
The Crickets
We listened to all this pieces on the concert of simfonic music in the Gallus hall, which is the biggest hall of Ljubljana cultural and congress centre - Cankarjev dom - and it was fantastic. Having a real simfonic orchestra in front of us was something new and we enjoyed it very much. Music rules :)
Lots of warm regards to you from us!
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